14 days notice for changes to on-call period

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Article 9: On-Call Duty/Call Back

14 days notice for changes to on-call period

14 days notice for changes to on-call period

Under Article 9.02 (a) (ii) of the United Nurses of Alberta Provincial Collective Agreement, an Employee will receive at least 14 days notice by their Employer when changes are made to the Employee’s on-call period.

If an Employee is not given at least 14 days notice, the Employee shall receive two times the on-call rate of pay for the first changed on-call period.

If the on-call period is during a regular workday Employees should be paid $6.60 for all hours during the first period of on-call affected. If the on-call period is during a day of rest or a Named Holiday Employees should be paid $9.00 for all hours during the first period of on-call affected.

The article also stipulates that the change will be recorded on the on-call duty roster.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your UNA local executive or Labour Relations Officer at 1-800-252-9394.